Page 104 - 《孟子》(三)中·英对照版
P. 104


we have what is called a complete concert. A
complete concert is when the large bell proclaims the
commencement of the music, and the ringing stone
proclaims its close. The metal sound commences
the blended harmony of all the instruments, and the
winding up with the stone terminates that blended
harmony. The commencing that harmony is the
work of wisdom. The terminating it is the work of
sageness. As a comparison for wisdom, we may liken
it to skill, and as a comparison for sageness, we may
liken it to strength; —as in the case of shooting at a
mark a hundred paces distant. That you reach it is
owing to your strength, but that you hit the mark is
not owing to your strength.”


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