Over 50 Unique Genres of Chinese Opera to Perform at the 11th China Quyi Festival in September

From:people.com.cnAuthor: 2023-09-10 09:47

The 11th China Quyi Festival, sponsored by the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the China Quyi Artists Association, will be held in Leshan, Sichuan from September 25 to 28.

Themed"The Grand Gathering of Quyi, the Festival of the Masses," this year’s festivalwill feature 9 performances with rich content and diverse forms, including the opening ceremony, closing ceremony, the showcasesof outstanding southern and northernregional opera genres,and a special performance of Sichuan operas. It covers over 50 distinctive regional opera genres, including the cross talk, sketch comedy, fast-paced storytelling, Jingyun Dagu (story-telling in Beijing dialect with drum accompaniment), Sichuan Qingyin (a type of regional opera in Sichuan), Suzhou Pingtan (story-telling and ballad singing in Suzhou dialect), Northern Shaanxi storytelling, Cantonese opera, and Errenzhuan (a song-and-dance duet popular in the Northeast of China).

It is reported that the China Quyi Festival is the highest-level and largest-scale Quyi event in the industry. Since its inaugural edition in 1990, it has been held in 14 cities, demonstrating the artistic appeal and social influence of the festival. It has attracted over 7,000 Quyi artists, practitioners, and enthusiasts from all over the country to participate.


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