Inscribing Ji Zha's Tombstone

From:Author: 2022-01-10 14:50

Ji Zha is the fourth son of Duke Shoumeng of Wu state. He gave up the throne for three times and traveled around the world to learn rites and music. He was a master of the culture of Wu. When Confucius was 8 years old, Ji Zha made a special trip to Lu state to watch the music and dance of the time and made a comprehensive and systematic evaluation. In the 27th year of the reign of Duke Zhao of Lu state, Ji Zha was sent on a diplomatic mission to Qi state. Unfortunately, on his way back, his eldest son died when they were passing the foot of Mount Tai, so he buried him there. According to Tangong of The Book of Rites, Confucius believed that Ji Zha was the one who knew the ritual and music system best in Wu state. He once went to Mount Tai to see the tomb of Ji Zha's eldest son. He thought that what Ji Zha did was in line with the ritual system. When Confucius was lobbing in Wu state, he also went to see Ji Zha's tomb and inscribed Ji Zha's name on his tombstone to pay his tribute." 


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