Zilu Inquiring the Way to the Ferry

From:Author: 2022-01-10 14:39

In the 4th year of the reign of Duke Ai of Lu state, Confucius returned from Ye county to Cai state. On his way, he saw Chang Ju and Jie Ni (two recluses at that time) were plowing. Confucius sent Zilu to ask them how to get to the ferry. Knowing that it was Confucius, Jie Ni said to Zilu, "Disorder is everywhere. Who can change this chaos? Rather than following a person who travels around looking for a good master to serve, isn't it better to avoid the chaos with us?" Then they continued their plowing. Zilu told Confucius about it, and Confucius said in melancholy, “Even the beasts would not follow them. Instead of avoiding the chaos, I made so much efforts just in order to change this situation.” 


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