Accompanied by Disciples with Five Carriages

From:Author: 2022-01-10 14:37

Confucius and his disciples went from Chen state to Wei state, passing through Pu county (now Changyuan city, Henan Province) of Wei. Coincidently, at that time, Gongsun Shu, a minister of Wei, was rebelling against Wei. He occupied Pu county, and wanted to catch Confucius. A disciple named Gongliang Ru from Chen state accompanied Confucius on the trip, taking five carriages. He was tall, brave and strong. He said to Confucius, "I used to be in danger with you in Kuang county, humiliated and got driven away in Song state, and now I'm trapped here with you. It's my destiny to endure sufferings with you! It tortured me to see you suffering here, so I'll fight to the death with them." Gongliang Ru took out his sword and led other disciples to fight against Pu people. Seeing this, Pu people said to Confucius, "If you promise not to go to Wei state, we will release you." Pu people made an oath of alliance with Confucius and asked Confucius to leave through the east gate. When Confucius and his disciples left there, they went straight to Wei state. Zigong asked Confucius, "Doesn't the oath we just made count?" Confucius said, "Don't worry. It was made against my heart under threat, so heaven won't take it seriously." 


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