Confucius Studies Selected as a Source Journal for CSSCI

From:www.chinakongzi.orgAuthor: 2023-09-16 15:10

Recently, the editorial office of Confucius Studiesreceived a letter from the Institute for Chinese Social Sciences Research and Assessment of Nanjing University. According to the Selection Method for Chinese Social Science Citation Index Source Journals (Compendium), Confucius Studieshas been selected as a source journal for CSSCI (2023-2024).

The "Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index" (CSSCI), created by the Institute for Chinese Social Sciences Research and Assessment of Nanjing University, stands as a prominent Chinese-language information retrieval system dedicated to the fields of humanities and social sciences. Its primary function is to facilitate the retrieval of indexed papers and citation data within the realm of Chinese humanities and social sciences. Regarded as one of the preeminent and authoritative evaluation systems for core journals in the studyof humanities and social sciences in China, CSSCIundertakesthe selection of source journals every two years.

Confucius Studies, established in 1986, is a distinguished academic publication specializing in the dissemination of top-tier scholarly works pertaining to Confucian philosophy, Confucian culture, and traditional Chinese culture. The journal places particular emphasis on research exploring the origins of Chinese philosophical thought and culture, the creative development andinnovativetransformationof traditionalChinese culture, and fostering cross-cultural dialogues between China and other civilizations. Over the years, Confucius Studieshas consistently garnered acclaim as a prestigious Chinese core journal, a leadingperiodical in the field of Chinese humanities and social sciences, a recognized source journal within the Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index (CSSCI), a valuable repository for reproduced periodicals, a notable journal of statistic source in the Annual Report for Chinese Academic Journal Impact Factors, an exemplar of theoretical contributions to social sciences in Shandong Province, and a distinguished provincialpublication . Its reputation extends both nationally and globally, attesting to its prominent standing in the academic community.


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