China's First Musical on Southern Confucianism Premiered in Hangzhou 2023-08-31 16:01

After more than two years of careful preparation and several drafts, the musical “Southern Confucianism” was staged at the Hangzhou Canal Grand Theater from August 28 to 30.The play is China's first musical on the theme of the Southern Confucianismculture, depicting the story of the descendants of Confucius to develop Confucianismcontinuouslyin the southof China.

In addition to takingfulladvantageof musical performance, the play also integrates songs, dances, music, texts and overall visual creation, which not onlytakes into considerationthe aesthetic characteristics of the historiceras, but also breaks thelimitsof timewith modern aesthetic concernsto reflectthe spiritual outlook and aesthetic attitudeof contemporary China andSouthern Confucianism.

It is learned that after the performance in Hangzhou, the musical be stagedinQuzhou and Beijing in Septemberona performance tour, aswellasinXiamen forthesecond National Excellent Musical Performance in November. Next year, the national tour will be carried out.


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