汉学中西问 | 布兰科·巴隆:在东方遇见孔子 领略中华文化魅力
来源:中国孔子网作者:宫英英 何圆 2025-02-25 17:58
国际知名学者“齐鲁访学驻研计划”是为贯彻落实习近平主席提出的全球文明倡议,深化文明交流互鉴,由山东省委宣传部指导,尼山世界儒学中心、中国孔子基金会、山东大学共同发起,山东出版集团大力支持,立足山东儒家文化资源富集优势,架设国际人文交流合作桥梁的一项重要举措。作为“齐鲁访学驻研计划”首位学者,克罗地亚—中国友好协会主席、克罗地亚萨格勒布ALGEBRA大学计算机科学教授布兰科·巴隆(Branko Balon)接受了中国孔子网的专访,分享了他的驻研感受和学术见解。
Q:Hello,Mr. Balon, as the first visiting scholar of the "Qilu Residency Study and Research Program", you have been engaged in more than ten days of visiting activities. Could you please share your feelings ? What is special or unexpectied about this visit?
ANS:Yes,thank you for your question.I really can't imagine that it has already passed 10 days.It has passed so quickly because I had been every day engaged in many activities.So I didn't realize really how quickly it passed.
I have seen really many interesting things I have read that I will go there,but I didn't think it will be so exciting for me.I saw, first when I came,we went to Confucius Museum.I was very surprised how nice it looked like.I am comparing it to museums in my country.I have not seen such nice museums like you have on Confucius.Then we have visited his temple.I had a really a nice guide that has explained me everything and I must say that I have learned a lot about Confucius.I'm very satisfied and we have visited Nishan Sacred Land also and everything is so nice.I really admire it very much.
Everything was so special.It's very hard to highlight something.First,I think I would say it is a museum that I was really amazed,but I would say that I liked the most,but I was most delighted was the Nishan Sacred Land. The teaching hall where I have visited. These five rooms, or the five halls.It's not a room,it's a big hall about the Confucius teachings.For every teaching there was one hall. it was very well for me.
Q:During your academic visit,you went to many places such as Confucius Temple,Confucius Institute,Confucius Museum.What insights did this on site experiences provide for your understanding of Confucianism?
ANS:When I saw all these things,when I saw the work the people are doing and at the Nishan World Center,especially at the Confucius Research Institute.I was really positively shocked what efforts and they give for studying the Confucius thoughts and how with what devotion they do their work.This is what surprised me I must say because I didn't see this virtually in this way in my country.InCroatia,this is really what inspires me.And I think that this can be a role for the other countries,China can be a role model. We can teach,I think a lot from you,how to protect the inheritance like you do with the Confucius and his thoughts.
Q:So a few days ago,you gave a wonderful academic speech at the Confucius Institute mentioning the theme of inheriting civilization regarding the spiritual home of humanity.How do you think we can better protect and inherit our cultural heritage in the context of globalization today?
ANS:Yeah,this is a good question. I made , first,in my speech,I gave a theoretic approach to this topic.And other part of my lecture was what is actually China doing in this?What is our country doing?And I can really repeat once again that when I see what China is doing in protecting the spiritual heritage,I don't see anything what can be added.We are really doing a good job.I like it very much and I think also that this Qilu visiting scholar program is also one step towards it.
Q:As the president of the Croatian-Chinese Friendship Society, what achievements do you think Croatia has made in cultural exchanges with China so far? What other areas can further strengthen our cooperation?
ANS:Thank you for these questions.Because I'm president,as you said,of the Croatian -Chinese Friendship society.I also mentioned in my lecture,what are we doing it also in Croatia to protect the inheritance and we are doing a lot of things,but there are still a lot of things we can improve what we are doing.We are doing the lectures of calligraphy, of Tai Chi.This is so we have also many lectures on the heritage of Croatia on Marco Polo.And in our main city,in capital city of Croatia,Zagreb at the University of Zagreb,there is a Confucius Institute that we are tightly working with Association of Friendship.We are tightly working with the Chinese Embassy and the Confucius Institute.We have organized with them many events still like cultural events.But what I want to do more like the president of our society because we are a friendship society for cultural,scientific and economic cooperation.I would like it to have more scientific cooperation.This is what we didn't have much.I can say that this my visit to the Confucius Research Center,it is a kind of scientific research,but I would like to hear it more of this maybe in the field.I’m a major in this, computer science.I would like to hear more such a exchanges and cooperation.
Q:Next you will give a speech on the theme of marco polo and the contemporary silk road.What are the considerations for choosing this theme?
ANS:I thank you for this question.I like Marco Polo very much.I also mentioned Marco Polo at my lecture first here and I saw very good feedback from the audience and that I saw that not many Chinese people know a lot about Marco Polo.So we have decided to make a lecture on Marco Polo.Marco polo is the biggest traveller of all the time.He's from Croatia.Many people don't know,because Italy also says he is Italian,but MarcoPolo was born in a beautiful island in Croatia. this is City of Korčula.It is very near to Dubrovnik and they say it's Dubrovnik,I think,knows everybody in China. When you speak about Croatia,first thing that comes on your mind is Dubrovnik.Yeah.But Korčula I said to be a small Dubrovnik,it is also very,very nice,but it's a little bit small.So it is the hometown of Marco Polo.What is very interesting is that when he was17 years old,he went with his father and uncle on a big trip.It was a trade trip.They went to overall the Silk Road.They traveled 4.5 years to come to what is now known as Beijing and Marco Polo stayed here or I said here in China for almost 20years after he came back a few years ago,he wrote his book.This is called II Milione, the name of the book,because it was, everything in China, so big.So that was the name of the book - Million.But nobody believed him that itwas just not his imagination,but still this book was very,very popular.And it is the 13th century when the European people got the first insight of how the people in the Far East lived.They didn't know anything about it.So Marco Polo is,I can say,is a bridge between Europe and China,between Croatia and China.So he is very important and I think it would be a very educational lecture that I will give,I think you can learn a lot of what new things from this.
Q:In current academic research,interdisciplinary collaboration is becoming increasingly important.How do you think interdisciplinary research can promote the integration of natural sciences and social sciences?What is the significance of this integration in solving real world problems?
ANS:We are now facing really serious worldwide problems.Um,it is at first,I think it is social.I mean,we can say,it's a civilization problem.What do we now have in the Europe and in Israel and with Russia,with Ukraine?So many problems that really need one, what we can say,not a simple solution.It should be holistic solution like you Chinese are doing in medicine, not just to treat the symptoms,but you must find the core.What is the core?What is in the illness?And so this is why we need this interdisciplinary approach to solve the problems in today's world.You must have together many sciences,technical sciences.Maybe we can use AI now as a progmatic.AI can help in many things,but you must use also our social skills,diplomatic skills.So there is a really need to have, I would call it a holistic approach, to find a complete solution,not just one piece by one.
Q:What unique insights do you have on the current AI revolution as a professor at ALGEBRA university in Zagreb Croatia. In the era of AI how can we ensure that human uniqueness and value are not eroded by technology?
ANS:Yes,as a professor of computer science,I have maybe a little more insights of this topic.And I already mentioned it when I was speaking about the silk road,I said that ancient silk road was not only a traderoad,but it is also road that was exchanging ideas,new technologies,philosophies.So it is what is doing also “belt and bridge” initiative.We say it is a contemporary silk road,but with AI,I can say we have a digital silk road,some silk road,one step ahead,because now we can in real time,we can exchange our research experiments and help people in many countries to cooperate together in a real time. And this is a really good benefit I believe AI can bring us. But AI you can say is also swirled with two sides.One side is that it can improve communication between people.But the other side is that it can be dangerous if it's not used correctly.If it's used like a warfare,there are some indications that it can be done in this way.So I think that we must be very careful.We must always check out what is going with the AI. Is it going in the right direction ? Is it going to help our civilization or is it going to end maybe a civilization?
Q:During this academic visit, you will participate in an academic dialogue on "Civilization Exchange and Peaceful Development of Humanity in the AI Era". How do you think the rapid development of AI technology will affect the communication patterns between different civilizations? What positive role can AI technology play in promoting human peace and development?
ANS:Okay,maybe i'll already touched this topic in my previous question,but I can repeat that AI can be really used very positively.Let's say we to enhanced a diplomatic exchange to make, some would say,summits and exchanges of delegations more efficient.It can enhanced many things then that we can benefit as a society and civilization.But I still must say that it should not be used as surveillance in a bad manner and so that people are not feeling comfortable with this.They are spying on them that it should not be enemy of of us,it should be our friend.And this is what we should think about it when using AI .
Q:As a senior scholar and educator, what advice do you have for young scholars in cross-cultural communication and academic research? How to maintain an open and inclusive attitude to better adapt to the globalized academic environment?
ANS:Okay,this is also good question. Education is very important.This is also what is one of the ritual of Confucius and for him it is very important.It is one of the core which you in the society.I must say that I really admire as China is a country is working on education and I say that I envy to China because when I compare to the education in my country,I must say all the best education you have in China and maybe some people in my country think that it is too strict on the children they must learn the whole day.They have not a lot of free time,but what I can say to the students is that it is worth. I mean, it is worth to spend your time learning better than to be on the social media on the on the mobile phone.So I won't if you ask me what is my advice,my advice is to stick more to the book and less to the show g to the mobile phone.
My suggestion for the scholars ,teachers and professors is that we must never stop learning.We should always be open to the new ideas also, to adapt new technologies, also not to be afraid,becausewhen people get older,they get a little bit afraid of new technologies of computers.It is normal but we should not be afraid we should take it with joy and enjoy our job and I think it is the best job to be a teacher to someone like it was Confucius and, how you say ,in China that the Confucius is the first and the greatest teacher of China and I can say also of the world.