Modern Dance and Poetry Drama A Memory of Dongpo in Poems was Staged in Beijing

From:China Youth DailyAuthor: 2023-12-06 16:54

The modern dance and poetry drama A Memoryof Dongpo in Poetrywill be staged at Poly Theater in Beijing from December1 to 3.

MemoryofDongpo in Poetrycombines modern dance with traditional Chinese cultural elements such as poetry, Chinese painting, calligraphy, seal cutting, guqin, opera, and martial arts, and presents the core of the Chinese spirit in Dongpo's poetry with a comprehensive audio-visual experience of music, dance, poetryand painting, exploringthe contemporary expression of the Chinese culture from an international artistic perspective.

All the poems in the drama are presented in the form of calligraphy and seal cutting, which not only vaguely shows the Dongpo character, but also reflects the overall tastesof Song Dynasty calligraphy. At the same time, the lived performed guqin music runs through the whole drama, passing on the spirit of the cultural context of the millennium.

Next, the dramawill be staged at Chengdu City Concert Hall from December 8 to 10, and Shaanxi Grand Theatre from December 15 to 16.


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