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The New Book "Nishan Series · Chinese Classics with Pinyin" Released

来源:WWW.CHINAKONGZI.ORG作者: 2023-11-27 15:15

On November 23, the new book release of “ Nishan Series · Chinese Classics with Pinyin” and the seminar on "Inheritance and Popularization of Chinese Classics in the New Era" were held in the academic lecture hall of Confucius Reasearch Institute.

Taking teenagers as the main readers and considering both their psychology and comprehension, authors of the “Nishan Series · Chinese Classicswith Pinyin”have selected six most representative traditional cultural classics marked in pinyin including "The Great Learning", "The Doctrine of the Mean", "The Analects of Confucius", "The Mencius", "The Book of Songs" and "Tao Te Ching" for interpretation. Considered as cultural essence, these books aim to cultivate the spiritual world of the nextgeneration and promote the popularity of cultural classics among young people and the majority of sinology lovers, in a hopethat more people will fall in love with traditional culture and theircultural confidence and national pride will be enhanced.

Compiled by Nishan World Center for Confucian Studies and implemented by Confucius Research Institute,"Nishan Series · Chinese Classics with Pinyin" is another important traditional cultural inheritance and popularization project. These books will certainly play a positive and beneficial role in enriching the spiritual world of young people as they grow up.

