Expats visit Yushan Academy to appreciate cultrual charm of Licheng, Jinan

From:sdchina.comAuthor: 2024-10-09 14:56

Recently,expatsfrom different countriesvisited Yushan Academy, embarkingon an unforgettable cultural journey.

At the Tian Ao Literature and Art Museum, through the explanations of the staff,internationalfriends learned about Mr. Tian Ao's artistic career and creative philosophy, gaining a deeper understanding of modern Chinese art.

At the Han Dongbing Memorial Hall,theyhave expressed their high respect for Mr. Han Dongbing's academic spirit and cultural sentiments through various display forms in the memorial hall such as pictures, texts and physical objects, and expressed their willingness to bring this respect back to their own countries and share it with more people.

Besides,internationalfriends also experienced the exquisite techniques of teapot throwing and archery. They said that such an experience hadgiven them a more intuitive feeling and understanding of traditional Chinese culture, making them love and respect Chinese culture more.

Through theevent,internationalfriends not only gained a deep understanding of the essence and charm of traditional Chinese culture, but also enhanced their understanding and respect for Chinese culture. Theyexpressedthat they wouldbring this unforgettable cultural experience back to their own country and share the profound and unique charm of Chinese culture with more people.


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