Expats experience ancient Chinese educational culture in Gaoqing

From:sdchina.comAuthor: 2024-06-20 16:45

Confucius was an ancient Chinese thinker, politician, educator, and founder of the Confucian school. Confucian culture is the mainstream and an important part of Chinese traditional culture. It has always influenced the Chinese people's thoughts, lifestyles, and behaviors. In China's thousands of years of history, Confucian culture has occupied a dominant position. In traditional ancient society, the life ideals and pursuits advocated by Confucian culture of "cultivating oneself, managing the family, governing the country, and pacifying the world" have become the value orientation that people adhere to from childhood to old age.

Recently, more than 10expats from the United States, Australia, Japan, South Korea and other countries came to the Zhengde Education Base in Tangfang Town, Gaoqing County to experience a Confucian lecture. In the ancient classroom, the "foreign teacher" taught on the podium, and the students listened attentively. The classroom atmosphere was lively and interesting, and the students laughed from time to time.The expats believedthat theexperience was really interesting.


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