International friends visit Wenshui Academy to experience Chinese ancient life

From:sdchina.comAuthor: 2024-05-09 09:58

Recently, the "FriendlyShandongRemarkableShandong"internationalfriend experience activity visited Wenshui Academy in Laiwu District, Jinan. International studentsof8 countriesfrom Shandong Normal Universityimmersed themselves in the life of ancient Chinese people.

Academy was a unique form of education in ancient China, which had a significant impact on the development of Chinese culture and education. It was both an educational center and an academic center, containing rich cultural heritage and good academic traditions.Wenshui Academy, is such a place that brings the ancient Chinesethe traditions of poetry, ritual, music and education, and inheritsthe spirit of Chinese humanities.

International students dressedin Hanfu and experiencedthe traditional Chinese etiquette and banquet game ofpitch-pot, which has been passed down from pre-Qin to the late Qing Dynasty. The game has aroused students' strong interest and were eager to give it a try one after another.

Then, the dean of the academy led international students to a Guqin class to learn the development history and basic knowledge of Guqin and singing and experience the charm of traditional Chinese culture from it.

"Today, I changed into Hanfu and walked through Wenshui Academy, feeling like I had traveled back to ancient times. I also experienced the pitch-pot game of ancient people, which made me feel very novel. My classmates and I also took many photos, which was really a special experience," said Ashan Jayawardena, an international student from Sri Lanka.


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