Students from United States and Fuzhou University visit Kuliang in SE China's Fujian

From:XinhuaAuthor: 2024-03-27 10:35

Students from the United States and Fuzhou University visit a historical public service community in Kuliang, Fuzhou, southeast China's Fujian Province, March 25, 2024. Students from the United States and Fuzhou University participated in a tour and communication event here on Monday. During the event, students from the two countries visited historical landmarks in Kuliang and learned about the history of China-U.S. exchanges.

Kuliang, located on the outskirts of Fuzhou, was once a summer resort for foreigners in the early 20th century. Since 1886, people from more than 20 countries, including Britain, France and the United States, began to build villas in Yixia Village in Kuliang to spend the summer.

Facilities such as a post office, tennis courts and swimming pools were also built at that time, forming a community where locals and expats lived in harmony. (Xinhua/Lin Shanchuan)


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