Expats visit Wenshui Academy in Jinan to experience Confucian culture

From:sdchina.comAuthor: 2024-03-19 16:09

Recently,the“FriendlyShandongRemarkableShandong”experience activity visited Wenshui Academy in Laiwu District, Jinan. International students from8countries,who study atShandong Normal University,gained a deep understanding of Confucian culturehere.

Wenshui Academyboasts therebuildingofthe tradition of poetry, ritual,musicandeducation, andtheinheritanceof Chinese humanistic spirit.There are now over 1,200 traditional ritual music,classics, and physical objects here. International students changed into Hanfu and listened to the lectures of themasters in the academy, leavingthem witha deep impression on the vast and profound history of Chinese culture.

“Today I came to Wenshui Academy and listened to the lecture. I learned about the etiquette of ancient Chinese people and Confucian culture.I have gained a lot, which has given me better understanding of Shandong and makes me love this land even more,”AbebeTsionShola said.


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