Ancient art's new life

From:China DailyAuthor: 2024-01-22 16:36

The bronze statue uncovered in 2021 at the Sanxingdui site.[Photo provided to China Daily]

The public can learn about Chinese history this year through Shanghai Museum's forthcoming satellite venue and special exhibitions.

Shanghai Museum is revving up for an eventful year, with the forthcoming opening of its new eastern campus in Pudong New Area, and 18 high-profile special exhibitions it will stage at home and abroad.

Its massive collection of over a million items related to ancient Chinese art is considered the most comprehensive in the world.

Spanning about 46,000 square meters and featuring a display area of 33,600 square meters, the new Shanghai Museum East will have 20 galleries, interactive spaces as well as shopping and dining options.

" (It) will put on the most comprehensive display of ancient Chinese art. We will also highlight the characteristics of Jiangnan and Shanghai cultures with exhibitions," says Chu Xiaobo, director of Shanghai Museum.

"We expect the new venue will become a critical cultural window for the world to learn more about China."


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