Confucius Temple in Zhengzhou, Henan Province

From:新华网Author: 2024-04-08 15:05

Dacheng Hall(from ConfuciusTemples in the World, P172—173)

HalberdGateand Warm Pavilion (from Confucius Temples Around the WorldP174)

Zhengzhou Confucius Temple was built in the Yongping years of Emperor Ming of the Eastern Han Dynasty. The layout of the building follows the archiectural regulationsin feudal hierarchical system, with more than 200 halls and pavilions covering an area of about 50,000 square meters. Its entire layout is neat and rigorous, with a total of 5 courtyards on the central axis. There are three courtyardsarranged side by side inside the Lingxing Gate , withChinese inscriptons ShengYu”(sacred area)abovethe left gateframeand“XianGuan”(door to sages)above the left gateframe. There is a painted pottery screeen wall locoated 50 meterssouthof the gate,inscribed withtheChinese character of "Tai Zu Yuan Qi" on the front side,and the picture"a carp jumping over the Dragon Gate" on the backside., Across streetare two memorial archwayson theeast and westsides, with inscriptions of“De Pei Tian Di”(Confucius's virtue is equal to heaven and earth)onthe east arch, “Dao Guan Gu Jin”(Confucius's ideas have been praised throughout the ages) onthe west arch. Due to multiple fires, only two buildings, the Dacheng Hall and theHalberdGate, remain.

In 2004, the Zhengzhou Municipal government invested in therestoration of the Confucius Templeas a sub-project of the “the Shang Town RuinsProtection and Environmental Remediation Project", planning to restore the Screen Wall,theLingxing Gate, the Panchi pool, the Zunjing Pavilion, the houses on the east and west wingsof Dacheng Hall and other buildings.


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