Chong Wen Ge, Singapore

From:Author: 2024-04-07 17:03

Old photo of ChongWen Ge(picture fromthe Internet)

Old photo of Chong Wen Geand one side of SingaporeHokkien Huay Kuan(picture from the Internet)

Chong Wen Gein Singapore was founded by the wealthy businessman Chen Jinsheng in the 29th year of EmperorDaoguang(1849), who vigorously promoted Confucianism, and five years laterestabished Chui Eng Institutionin Xiamen Street. There are stone tablets in ChongWenGeand Chui Eng Institutiontorecord this history,thus preserving some precious historical materials of the early Chinese religionin Singapore.ChongWen Gewas rebuilt in the 13th year ofEmperorGuangxu (1887) with a large donation from Chen Xianzhang, who also expandedChuiEng Institution.

The rebuilt ChongWenGecovers a construction area of about 10 mu, with atotal area of30 muincluding the surroundinggreeneryIt is composed of steps, an archway, aviewing platform,the Panchipool,the Ruyuangarden, the Yanchizhaistudy, the MokexuanpavilionandtheJiuqu Corridor.After walking through the 120 steps, you can see the towering memorial archway.Beyongthe archway isasmall square, in themiddleisthe the most conspicuouslotus pond. It is said thatthe lotus shape means that pursuit ofknowledge is never complete. There is "Zhuangyuan Bridge" on the pond, and legendarilythe former students should walk through the "Zhuangyuan Bridge" before examination.On the left and right sides of the garden are "Mokexuan" and "Yan Chizhai" respectively.From the back door of the garden is the Jiuqu Corridor, along whichonecan go down to the "viewing platform"to getapanoramic viewof the old city and new town.


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