A play celebrating the life of Su Shi

From:CGTNAuthor: 2024-04-11 15:37

The National Theater of China aims to present a compelling play on the life of Su Shi,or Su Dongpo, the legendary Song Dynasty poet, as the show "Sudi Chunxiao" or"Dawn on the Su Causeway in Spring" is staged here from April 5 to 14.

"Sudi Chunxiao" simplifies Su Shi's extraordinary life, highlighting his dual role as a leading literary figure and an accomplished engineer who built the iconic Su Causeway in Hangzhou.

The play creatively integrates Su Shi's poetry to illuminate his enduring spirit and far-reaching influence, and is directed by Tian Qinxin, director of the National Theater of China. She said: "We artfully blend realistic and impressionistic, traditional and contemporary elements to explore and capture the essence of a uniquely Chinese performing arts spirit."


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