Zibo holds cultural exchange activities in South Korea

From:sdchina.comAuthor: 2024-03-19 16:13

Recently, a folk art delegation from Zibo City, Shandong Province, Chinaheld a unique cultural event in Gwangju, South Korea, aimed at strengthening cultural exchange and friendship between the two cities.

One of the highlights of this event is theZibotraditional opera performance. The folk art delegation of Zibo City prepared a wonderful opera performance, showcasing the charm of traditional Chinese opera to the fullest. The actors, dressed in gorgeous costumes, showcased the charm and connotation of traditional Chinese opera to the audience inGwangju, South Korea with exquisite skills and vivid performances,not onlywinningapplause from the audience, but also sparkingtheir strong interest in traditional Chinese culture.

In addition to traditional Chinese opera performances, Ziboalso broughtexquisite exhibitions of traditional handicrafts,such asceramics, embroidery, andpapercuttings, which attracted many visitors in South Korea with their exquisite skills and unique style. Visitors stopped to admire, marveling at the exquisite and unique traditional Chinese handicrafts.

A seminar on cultural exchange between China and South Korea was held during the event. Cultural experts and scholars from Zibo, China and Gwangju, South Korea gathered together for in-depth discussions and exchanges on the inheritance, development, and innovation of the cultures of the two countries. They shared the experiences and achievements of the two cities in cultural construction, and jointly explored the direction and possibility of future cultural cooperation. Through the seminar, the two cities not only enhanced their understanding of each other's cultures, but also established a long-term cultural cooperation mechanism.

The event held by Zibo City, China in Gwangju, South Korea has achieved a complete success,not only showcasingthe charm of traditional Chinese culture, but also deepeningthe understanding and friendship between Gwangju, South Korea and Zibo, China. In the future, the two cities will continue to strengthen cultural exchanges and cooperation, jointly promoting the prosperity and development of culture between China and South Korea.


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