Chinese Tea Culture Enters Famous Wineries in South Africa

From:Xinhua News AgencyAuthor: 2022-04-24 14:37

  On April 19th, the Confucius Institute for Traditional Chinese Medicine at the University of the Western Cape in South Africa held a Chinese tea culture event at the Groot Constantia Wine Estate, one of the oldest wineries in South Africa, to promote exchanges between different cultures and celebrate the United Nations Chinese Language Day. 

  On the day of the event, the Confucius Institute prepared five types of Chinese tea, including green tea, set up a booth at the Groot Constantia Wine Estate in Cape Town, prepared tea trays, and made tea for Chinese and foreign tourists on the spot. Teachers introduced tea knowledge and language teaching activities at the Confucius Institute to tourists. A number of Chinese traditional costumes was displayed next to the booth, allowing visitors to experience Chinese national culture.

  Karen Woodcock, who is in charge of the winery's marketing, welcomed the Confucius Institute to hold this event at the winery. As for the tea cultural activities, tourists can choose tea, wine or food as they liked to expand their cultural experience. She said that the East and West, including South Africa and China, have a long history of connection, and the Groot Constantia Wine Estate is willing to deepen the understanding of Chinese culture. Built in 1685, the winery keeps many Chinese furniture and handicrafts which have become part of the history of the winery. 

  In 2010, the United Nations department of public information announced the launch of United Nations Language Day, with the aim of promoting linguistic and cultural diversity within the United Nations system and promoting equal use of the six official languages. Among them, the United Nations Chinese Language Day is designated as on the "Grain Rain" in China's twenty-four solar terms to commemorate the creation of Chinese characters by Cangjie, the legendary "ancestor of Chinese characters".


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