Visitors Go to Serf Emancipation Memorial to Mark 63th Anniversary of the Emancipation of Millions of Serfs in Tibet 2022-04-10 09:06

西藏百万农奴解放63周年 社会各界参观纪念馆

  March 28 marks the 63th anniversary of the emancipation of millions of serfs in Tibet. People from all sectors of society visited the Serf Emancipation Memorial.

  To commemorate the anniversary, the Memorial specifically planned a series of activities such as "sing a song for the Party", relay explanations by veteran and young commentators, and answering questions in the blind box, hoping to provide the public with an entertaining cultural experience through the activities. More than 10 groups from power grid, public transportation, schools and other departments and institutions visited the memorial.

  During the visit, 59-year-old Tenzin told reporters that he is from Duilong Deqing District of Lhasa City. His parents were serfs, and his mother is now 79 years old. He has experienced the darkness of the serf era and now enjoys the happiness of the new society. There are many scenes in the memorial that his mother has described to him. He also said that his 3 brothers and sisters now have good jobs.

  The memorial officially opened to the public for free on March 28, 2021. As of March 12, 2022, it has received more than 200,000 visitors from all walks of life.


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