Chinese Dragon and Lion Dances Liven up Cape Town Carnival

From:Xinhuanet.comAuthor: 2022-03-28 16:16

  The Cape Town Carnival was held in Cape Town of South Africa on March 19th. Dragon and lion dance teams of overseas Chinese put on 5 dragon and lion dance performances, warmly applauded by the audience.

  This year's Carnival, without traditional form of parades, organized performances at 5 landmarks in Cape Town, with 5 performances by 6 to 8 teams on each stage. More than 10 overseas Chinese from Cape Town Huaxing Art Troupe gave an opening performance on the Heritage Square.

  According to Dong Gang, head of the art troupe, this is the fourth time that Huaxing Art Troupe has participated in the Cape Town Carnival. The art troupe hopes to show the fine traditional Chinese culture in South Africa through the performance, and also hopes that the dragon and lion dance will bring good luck to the local people. CEO of Cape Town Carnival told Xinhua News Agency that the carnival aims to celebrate the diversity of South African ethnic groups and show the culture of different ethnic groups. Overseas Chinese are also part of South African society. They bring "amazing creativity" and contribute to the goal of inspiring joy and promoting unity.

  The Cape Town Carnival began in the 2010 South African World Cup and has become a representative event in the country. 


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