Official Website of Nishan Forum on World Civilizations is Upgraded and Launched

From:chinakongziAuthor: 2021-09-08 15:43

With the countdown to the 7th Nisan Forum on World Civilizations, the official website of the Forum ( has been revamped, updated and launched recently. Through convergence media, the website uses four languages, namely Chinese, English, Japanese and Korean, for the first time to comprehensively present the conference situation, experts' views and academic achievements of the Forum since its formation, thus increasing the Forum's popularity and building a bridge of cultural exchanges.

The revision of the official website, with International Blue as its main color, opened more than ten columns named as Conference Information, Conference Agenda, Voice of Nishan, Civilization Discussion, Focusing on Nishan, Review of Previous Sessions, Excellent Pictures and so on, and adopted the most popular technologies to achieve the effect of communication and improve the user experience. The website pays particular attention, in terms of content, to the mutual learning of international civilizations, and the research comparison and enlightenment of Chinese wisdom from an international perspective. At the same time, the website also provides links to 2021 China (Qufu) International Confucius Cultural Festival, Grand Ceremony Dedicated to Confucius at Year of Xin Chou, 2021 Global Cloud Ceremony of Confucius and other special topics, to provide a comprehensive, three-dimensional and multi-angle view of the festival.

The Nishan Forum on World Civilizations , named after Nishan, the birthplace of Confucius, the great thinker and educator in ancient China, is an academic, international and open forum for international ideological and cultural dialogue and exchange, on the theme of engaging in dialogues among different civilizations in the world, aiming at carrying forward the excellent Chinese culture, promoting cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries, and the creation of a community of shared future for mankind. The first forum was held in September 2010, and six sessions since then.

The 7th Nisan Forum on World Civilizations will be held in Qufu on September 27-28. Netizens can learn about the agenda of the conference and watch the grand events through the official website of the Forum.



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